Thursday, January 22, 2015

An open letter to Premier Mike Baird

WTC was pleased, with 520 other organizations and people, to sign the following letter that appeared in the Newcastle Herald on 19 December 2014 from citizens of Newcastle, the Hunter and Beyond.
Since then, the Supreme Court of NSW has found that the NSW Government indeed requires an Act of Parliament to remove the 2.5 km of track between Wickham and Newcastle.
Your government is about to make a very big mistake!
The decision to cut Newcastle’s intercity rail services has been made without a viable public transport plan, without due process and consultation, and without due consideration of Indigenous culture, relevant evidence, expert opinion and reasonable alternatives, and has
been unduly influenced by vested interests.

Please don’t impose this ill-conceived and expensive mistake on our city.

Please consider the needs of the many thousands of people, including families, school children, TAFE and university students, people with disabilities, older people, shoppers, workers, tourists, surfers, fishers, beach-goers, and the many other rail users, who rely on this fast, reliable and seamless service to access the Newcastle CBD and our harbour Foreshore and beaches.

Please listen to the ordinary residents and community groups whose modest donations have funded this letter, and who are proud to openly declare their support for retaining our rail services through to Newcastle Station.

Please heed the recent call by Newcastle Council to stop the plans for cutting the rail line, and to work collaboratively in an open and transparent manner with the Newcastle community to find more effective ways of using the funding from the Port proceeds to improve our public transport services and revitalise our city.

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