Tuesday, June 5, 2018

State MP calls for better trains

On 23 May 2018, the NSW State member for Wollongong Paul Scully spoke in Parliament on the need for a better train service, and the need to complete the Maldon Dombarton link.

The link to this  speech is - https://www.parliament.nsw.gov.au/Hansard/Pages/HansardResult.aspx#/docid/HANSARD-1323879322-102190/link/2225

The speech notes that it is 30 years since the then Greiner government stopped work on the  Maldon Dombarton link.

This was when the contract to build the 4 km Avon tunnel was cancelled. The contract price was just over $20 million, and some $10 million was paid for preliminary work and compensation for not finishing the job.

 A very expensive mistake, as it will now cost over $100 million to build this tunnel.

Wollongong commuters demand better

On Monday 28 May, over 100 people came out wanting more trains and faster trains between Wollongong and Sydney. It was well reported the next morning by ABC Radio Illawarra who interviewed many people at the meeting who spoke of the need for a better train service, and covered by the Illawarra Mercury


The notorious 3.24 pm weekday Central to Kiama four car train came in for special attention, where some days, over 100 people are standing or sitting on seats..

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Illawarra Rail Fail-Public meeting 28 May 2018

Source: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/public-meeting-calling-for-better-rail-services-on-the-south-coast-line-tickets-45501135120?aff=efbeventtix

Imagine a train service to and from Sydney every 15 minutes with slick connections to local stations. Imagine getting a seat every time even in peak hour.
Other countries and cities have great train services - it’s possible, but only if there is the political will to make it happen. We need a State government that will commit money to improve rail infrastructure and who will lobby hard for Federal infrastructure money to be allocated to the Illawarra.
There will be a State election in NSW in March 2019. Let’s convince politicians that this is a hot issue for voters.
Come to a public meeting to express your ideas and call for specific improvements like:
  • Extra carriages on the current overcrowded 4 car services
  • Increase seating capacity on proposed new 2019 fleet
  • Tunnel from Thirroul to Waterfall

    Monday 28th May


    Wollongong Tennis Club

    37 Foley St, Gwynneville

  • Dr Phil Laird – (UOW national authority on rail transport)
  • Dr Mehreen Faruqi (Greens MP)
  • Ryan Park (State MP for Keira)
  • Bronwyn Batten (local resident and rail user)

For more information contact bronwyn.batten@gmail.com 0403 176 716