Friday, April 13, 2012

Wollongong City Council Concerns re Trucks

At its meeting of 30 January, 2012 Wollongong City Council resolved as follows:
1. Wollongong City Council inform Transport for New South Wales of its concern about the increased use of road-based bulk haulage within the Wollongong Local Government Area, focussed on Port Kembla. Wollongong City Council requests a report from Transport for New South Wales on the environmental and social impact on the City of such planned increase.
2. A report be prepared on the impact of increased road-based bulk haulage on Council roads and infrastructure.
3. Wollongong City Council reaffirms its commitment to focus upon and support the upgrade of railway infrastructure for the movement of commodities and freight through Port Kembla, as per Council’s resolution of 27 September 2011, Minute No 147.
4. Council support the decision of the Federal Government in October 2011 to advance the Maldon-Dombarton link with a $24.5M commitment for works to make the project shovel-ready.
5. Councillors be given a briefing on any breaches of the truck curfew conditions.
6. Council officers be empowered to make submissions to any future developments in the region that add significantly more trucks onto Wollongong roads and such submissions express Council’s position for preference of freight haulage by rail (or ship).

7. Council urgently lodge a submission with IPART in its review of rail access pricing on the grain line network and to ask IPART to consider the impact of extra grain trucks on Mt Ousley and other Wollongong highways.

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