Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Lead letter 5 August 2011

The people of Wollongong have a very short period to
get involved in stopping further truck movements on our main roads or
face gridlocked conditions worse than Paramatta Road .

Already the roads out of our city are saturated during
the morning peaks and yet Kembla Grain Terminal is seeking approval
after 25 years, to lift the curfew on grain truck movements and a
limit of 200,000 tonnes per annum. This means that trucks will run
24/7 and there could be an extra one million tonnes per annum (mtpa)
of grain on roads to Port Kembla - an average of 1250 extra truck
movements per week.

On behalf of Wollongong Transport Coalition (WTC) I
strongly object to this proposal. At present five mtpa of coal is
hauled by heavy trucks on our roads to the Port Kembla Coal Terminal
with the prospect of 10mtpa, plus a further 2 mtpa to the steel
works. As well as car carrying trucks from the inner harbour the Port
Kembla Outer Harbour has approval for expansion which means even more
trucks will be on our roads. And to add insult to injury, when quarry
material from Bass Point to Sydney has been diverted from ship to 200
truck movements per week, on top a cement mill is planned and we have
been informed by the Port Kembla Authorities that all the cement will
be delivered by road.

WTC originally requested that the expansion of the Port
Kembla Outer Harbour be delayed until proper infrastructure including
completion of the Maldon Dombarton rail line was put in place.

Ignoring these issues means more road accidents,
including on the dangerous Picton Road, plus more noise and air
pollution and road congestion.

Although the recent exhibition period of 14 days which
was mostly in school holidays has passed, hopefully the Minister of
Planning with the full support of al NSW State MPs will consider
referring the present application to the Planning and Assessment
Commission with the option of Public Hearings.

In addition, WTC seeks positive measures to keep grain on
rail. This would include rehabilitation of grain lines, reopening the
Harden to Cowra line, and full user pays for heavy trucks to the
roads they use in the course of their business with a contribution to
the social and environmental costs that their operations impose on the
wider community.

Irene Tognetti, WTC Spokesperson


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