Proposal title: Port Kembla Coal Terminal Project (MP 08_0009)
Description: Port Kembla Coal Terminal is seeking approval to remove the current restrictions on road delivery to its terminal to allow coal and bulk products to be received 24 hours a day, 7 days a week; and for its existing rail and road receival, stockpiling and ship-loading operations
Location: Lot 100 DP 643687, DP 647408 and Part Lot 1 DP 261720, Port Kembla Road, Port Kembla
Local government area: Wollongong
Exhibition locations: - Department of Planning, Information Centre, ground floor, Lands Building, 23-33 Bridge Street, Sydney- Nature Conservation Council of NSW, Level 2, 301 Kent Street, Sydney- Wollongong City Council, 41 Burelli Street, Wollongong
Approval authority: Minster for Planning
Relevant legislation: Part 3A of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979
Proponent: Port Kembla Coal Terminal
Submission to: The Director, Major Development Assessment, Department of Planning, GPO Box 39, Sydney NSW 2001; fax (02) 9228 6466; or email
Start date: 16 September 2008
Closing date: 17 October 2008
Documents available:
Project application form and Preliminary Environmental Assessment
Director-General's requirements for Environmental Assessment
The Environmental Assessment can be viewed online at
Further inquiries: Georgia Ivancevic on (02) 9228 6457

Why should it concern you?
- The proposal (Appl. No. MP 08_0009) is to increase road haulage of coal from 5 million tonnes to a maximum of 10 million tonnes per year.
- This is at a time that car carrying ships will start arriving at Port Kembla and put onto the roads up to 24 truck movements per hour hauling new cars.
- The nightly curfew of coal haulage will be lifted to allow trucks to run 24 hours a day, seven days a week: non-stop. For people living along the transport route this will mean that even at night, on Sundays or on public holidays there will be no respite from the constant noise of trucks.
- The date for submissions closes on 17 October. The community has no representation on Wollongong City Council as it is being governed by administrators for the next four years and this may affect Council's submission.
- A current NSW Government restriction requires all coal from Tahmoor and Western Mines to be received by rail. This is not mentioned in the proposal.
- Deterioration of air quality (dust and truck exhaust emissions).
- Increased trucks on the roads and its implications on road safety. It is estimated that rail is 20 times safer than road in the movement of freight.
- The Federal Government is taking climate change seriously and we would expect the NSW Government to do so as well. Rail only uses one third of the energy that trucks use.
- Increased cost to the taxpayers as coal trucks damage the road pavement. One loaded B-Double causes the same road wear as 20,000 cars.
What can you do?
- Write a submission to The Director, Major Development Assessment, Department of Planning, GPO Box 39, Sydney NSW 2001; fax (02) 9228 6466; or email Note that the submissions close on 17 October 2008.
Become part of the Wollongong Transport Coalition which is organized by local (volunteer) residents. We need more volunteers to help distribute information to as many people as possible (submissions close soon), request a Commission of Inquiry: write to politicians, members of parliament, the media. Help take surveys, conduct research (school and university students), monitor truck movements at all times of the day and night, etc, etc. See as an example:
Email us:
Please include your name and telephone number.Write a letter to request a Commission of Inquiry to:
The Hon. David Campbell MP, NSW Minister for Transport, Minister for Illawarra
and also to:
The Hon. Kristina Keneally M.P., NSW Minister for Planning
Governor Macquarie Tower Level 35, 1 Farrer Place, SYDNEY NSW 2000
Photos were copied from:
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