The NSW Budget handed down on 17 June 2014 s big on transport investment in
Sydney and except for the Princes Highway, small on transport investment in
expensive West Connex, which in part is
funded by the Port Kembla lease proceeds,
will do nothing for Wollongong and Port Kembla. So also, as noted by Alan Mitchell (Abbott
must promote competition, AFR June 25),
will spending part of the port lease and other privatization proceeds on
"…politically attractive but low-value assets such as the NSW government's
proposed North West Rail link in Sydney."
Quite simply, the
Mt Ousley road already has too many heavy trucks on it and is congested at peak
hours, whilst the Wollongong-Sydney railway is congested for all day and most
of the night. If Port Kembla is to grow,
Dombarton is needed.
NSW Government needs to take a more balanced approach between Sydney and the
rest of NSW.